RCNA Conventions | 2005 Convention | Banquet Speaker | Educational | Program | Tours
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Canadian Paper Money Society Luncheon Friday July 22nd, 2005
Dan Gosling photo
(left to right) Cliff Beattie, Charles Moore, President of the C.P.M.S., Harold Brown, Dick Dunn, Secretary of the C.P.M.S.
Dan Gosling photo
(left to right) Geoff Bell, Ted Leitch, Graham Esler, Ron Greene, Lub Wojtiw, Norm Williams, Les Copan
Dan Gosling photo
(left to right) Andy Mckaig, Tom Rogers, James Williston (behind Tom), Paul Berry, unknown, Garth Wright
Dan Gosling photo
(left to right) Cliff Beattie receiving congratulations for his talk from Charles Moore, President of the C.P.M.S.
Dan Gosling photo
Charles Moore, Outgoing President of the C.P.M.S. welcoming Harold Brown Incoming President of the C.P.M.S.
Tour of the Nickle Arts Museum Friday July 22nd, 2005
Richard Blaylock photos
Marion Munro photo
(left to right) Al Munro, Chairman 2005 Convention, Allan Gilders, Neil Probert, President Calgary Numismatic Society, Geraldine Chimirri-Russell, Curator Numismatics at the Nickle Arts Museum, Walter Ostromecki, Governor of the American Numismatic Association
Marion Munro photo
(left to right) Lee Gong, Michael Turinni, Michael M. 'Steamer' Stanley, Walter Ostromecki, Governor of the American Numismatic Association
Marion Munro photo
(left to right) Dan Gosling, Second Vice-President C.N.A., Neil Probert, President Calgary Numismatic Society, Geraldine Chimirri-Russell, Curator Numismatics at the Nickle Arts Museum, Al Munro, Chairman 2005 Convention
Marion Munro photo
Don Sucha, Technician Nickle Arts Museum
Marion Munro photo
Richard and Aloma Blaylock
Marion Munro photo
John Temple in front of the banker's cage
Marion Munro photo
A typical numismatist's desk
Dan Gosling photo
(left to right) Geraldine Chimirri-Russell, Curator Numismatics at the Nickle Arts Museum, announcing the generous donation of the Jack Shinske Collection of Odd and Curious Money by George Manz, President of George Manz Coins