2006 C.N.A. Convention Niagara Falls - Sunday

The Canadian Association of Wooden Money Collectors Breakfast Sunday July 23rd, 2006

Al Munro and Norm Belsten at the Canadian Association of Wooden Money Collectors breakfast meeting
Richard Blaylock photo

(left to right) Al Munro and Norm Belsten at the head table

Marion Munro and Art Stephenson at the Canadian Association of Wooden Money Collectors breakfast meeting
Dan Gosling photo

(left to right) Marion Munro and Art Stephenson

Margaret Stroshine and Rita Sledz
Dan Gosling photo

(left to right) Margaret Stroshine and Rita Sledz

Terry O'Brien, Aloma and Richard Blaylock
Dan Gosling photo

(left to right)Terry O'Brien, Aloma and Richard Blaylock

Don Charter, Chelsea White and Larry White
Dan Gosling photo

(left to right) Don Charter, Chelsea White and Larry White

Ross Kingdon, Lou and Yvonne Vesh
Dan Gosling photo

(left to right) Ross Kingdon, Lou and Yvonne Vesh

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